
About InSc

Institute of Scholars (InSc) aims to serve the international science and engineering family through dissemination of knowledge on recent advances in different fields of science and engineering though its several departments.

InSc – Departments

InSc Professional Membership: InSc aims to disseminate the need and knowledge on recent advances in different fields of science and engineering among the PG students, researchers, faculties, industrialists etc. Main motto is to provide free assistance to prepare the research paper and inexpensive, easily accessible platform to publish the research work. InSc also provides financial aid in the name of remuneration for those who help in achieving the motto of InSc Professional Membership. For more details log on to www.insc.in/membership

InSc Awards: Every year, InSc issues the following awards. Award for the Educational Institutes: “Emerging College of the Year under four categories namely Placement, Research, Infrastructure and Academics”. Awards for the Principals of Educational Institutes: “Principal of the Year”. Awards for the research scholars, faculties, academicians etc.:”InSc-Young Achiever Award” for their research work published in an International Journals or Conferences. Award for the UG/PG students: “InSc Student Project of the year” for their academic project. For more details log on to www.insc.in/awards

InSc Digital Library of Academic Projects (DLAP) which is an online, open access, interdisciplinary database of academic projects done by UG/PG students. Institutions / colleges / Universities can register for this by paying nominal one time registration and maintenance fee for the minimum period of 5 years. InSc will maintain the database of the complete details of the projects of all the branches of the registered Institutes/colleges/Universities. For more details log on to www.insc.in/dlap

InSc Digital Library of Research Papers (DLRP) provides researchers, scientists, students a standard digital library of research papers, thesis, project reports etc. under the different fields of Science and Engineering such as computer science and information technology, electronics communication and electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and complete areas of management and social studies. For more details log on to www.insc.in/dlrp

InSc Conferences: International Conferences aims to provide platform for Researchers/Scientists/Students etc. across the world, to present and publish their research papers on recent advances in the different fields of science and engineering by conducting the International conferences all over the country. For more details log on to www.insc.in/conferences

InSc Publishing House (IPH): InSc assist in publishing National / International Conference Proceedings with ISBN at nominal charges. It also helps the authors to publish their books/text books and provide online marketing platform through the link www.insc.in/iph or www.iphbooks.in

International Journals of Engineering: InSc runs five International Journals. InSc Journals covers the four major fields of Engineering that are Computer science & Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics & Electrical Engineering. For more details log on to www.insc.in/journals