Author(s): P. Aishwarya, Y. Divya Sree
Abstract: Visual defects are the most prevalent diseases among people. The estimated number of visually
impaired people in the world is 285 million and number of blinds is 39 million. Among the 39
million blinds, 15 million are from India. People with visual disabilities are often dependent on
external assistance for decision making which prevents them from travelling independently. To
aid the visually impaired people smart cane is used.This innovative cane is integrated with ultrasonic sensor in order to detect the obstacles that come
in their way and alerts a buzzer if it is with in the minimum threshold distance. If not, it neglects.
The cane also has light and water sensing units. The light sensing unit detects whether it is a bright
or dark area and beeps the person accordingly, which prevents him entering the restricted areas.
Water sensing unit detects the water ahead, and beeps. Each buzzer beep is of different frequency
so that the user can distinguish the alerts. Thus, the proposed stick allows improved navigation
using obstacle, water and darkness detection.
Project ID: DLAP-93
Paper Stream: Information Science & Engineering College
Published Date: 2021-04-06 16:58:49
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