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Author(s): Ashwitha Sarode, K Hema, M Pavan Chowdary

Abstract: In recent times the usage of mobiles is being increased rapidly, and for developing applications for the mobiles, the use of mobile technologies is rising at an alarming scale. Due to this, more powerful and efficient mobile applications are needed in order to keep up with this trend. Since there exists several mobile platforms (iOS, Android, etc.), each one with different SDK (Software Development Kit) tools and specific development capabilities, application development becomes more complicated and expensive. The challenge is to come up with a solution that allows us to deploy in different platforms using a single SDK tool and maintaining the same performance as the native application. A suitable solution is cross-platform used to run same application on different platforms and to develop a mobile application. The softwares required for developing mobile application are Ionic Framework and Angular JS. In this when the user opens the application, it spotifies by use of the location sensors available in his/her mobile to capture the latitude and longitude of the current location. Those GPS co-ordinates are sent to the location sensor present in the application server side. Thus the location sensor communicates with the near field sensor and checks with the distance the user has mentioned and then produces the results based on his search. These results are displayed to the user and from there the user can get directions and also contact to the place if needed. Spotify provides the best solution for the users who regularly make use of the maps for searching places nearby. It also helps the people who are new to some city and want to try out some new things, for them the application will be of great use as they can find each and everything nearby. Spotify accommodates new technologies that are currently being used in the industry for developing applications and a database known as firebase to store the data, this database is implemented by Google . The processing of input output is as follows, user can select the accessibility option for the location sensor, then gps co-ordinates trap users latitude and longitude data. Once data is obtained, user selection procedure occurs. When user provides the input, it sends the gps coordinates to the location sensor to mark the exact location and from there nearby elements are gathered.

Project ID: DLAP-95
Paper Stream: Information Science & Engineering College
Published Date: 2021-04-06 17:09:32
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