Dr. Tapas Kumar Sarkar

Name: Dr. Tapas Kumar Sarkar
Qualification: M. Sc.(Zoo), M. A. (Education), B. Ed. Sc., Ph. D. (Ent), Ccdtp, Ccop, Ccfa, Dip In Pptt, Ccrm, Cert. In Integrating Technology In Class Room, M. Ed. (Continuing)
Designation : Principal
Department : West Bengal Board Of Primary Education Under School Education Department
Institute Name : Dr. Ashutosh Das Memorial Primary Teachers' Training Institute
College Address : Khamarchandi, P. O. & P. S. Haripal, District Hooghly, West Bengal, Pin 712405
Experience: 27
Collegeurl: Www.Atdasptti.Com   
Area Of Research = Entomology , Ecology And Education

About Dr. Tapas Kumar Sarkar

First of all I like to state the justification for considering me for this award. As per your requirements I could not mention here any data about details of patents in my name, details of grants obtained for college under me and details of workshops organised by me as convenor. However, I have received grants from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research for my Research Associateship Award and organised a number of National and International Workshops by assisting my Research Guide Late Professor Sankar Mukhopadhyay of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalyani 741235, W.B. In my opinion, a truly great principal builds character, inspires dreams, encourage creativity, builds confidence, instils a love of learning, touches the hearts of students, their guardians and colleagues & changes their lives forever. Behind every successful school/college is a great principal. The influence of a great Principal can never be erased. Qualities of a great Principal VISIONARY A good principal should have a clear vision. He/ She should be a continuous learner and also adapt to new trends. It is his/ her job to ensure teachers and other staffs feel motivated. A LEADER Every principal must exhibit exemplary leadership qualities for others to follow, including staffs and students. An effective leader should be responsible for the success and the failures of his/ her school/ college. GREAT LISTENER An effective principal should be focused and attentive. He/ she should always be prepared to deal with whatever situations may arise. One can disarm most difficult situations simply by showing care and willingness to hear them out. FAIR & CONSISTENT Nothing can take away your credibility faster than being inconsistent in your decisions while no two cases are exactly the same, a good principal should have a standard approach for how to handle similar situations. By virtue of the degree holding by me I am a Doctorate and Gold medallist; having 10 years of experience in Research; 27 years of experience in Teaching as a Teacher Educator; published to my credit 30 Research Papers in National and International level journals/ Proceedings and 17 Books; Received a large number of Training and Orientation at State/ National level; Visited abroad; Performed as Resource Person in several Training/ Orientation programmes at State/ National level. Still I think, my career perhaps could not be able to left even a small scar in the corridors of academe if I could not try to dedicate myself to the cause of education particularly in the Teachers’ Training arena. I always try my level best to instruct students individually and in groups, using various teaching methods such as Interactive lectures, Demonstration and discussions, Activity-Based, Project Based and Enquiry Based Learning. I used to engage myself in organizing Quiz Contest, Extempore, Excursion, Preparation of innovative LTM, Writing Books and Articles, Computer work, Drawing etc. My hobby is Philately and Numismatics. My objective is to enrich myself through my teaching carrier as a Teacher-Educator to provide better learning to the Trainee Students and Teachers for the improvement of the School children at both Elementary and Secondary level. If the selection committee think me as a great principal who deserves the grandest of celebration then you may celebrate me, not because it’s courteous, but because you sincerely wish to see my smile on that special day.