IEAE – Madhya Pradesh Region Best Engineering College Principal of the Year - 2017 Dr. Indra Kumar Khanna Principal Takshshila Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

About Dr. Indra Kumar Khanna

Dr Indra Kumar Khanna is an eminent scholar in the field of Technical Education. He obtained his B.E.(Honours) degree in Mechanical Engineering from Government Engineering College, Jabalpur in 1966. He was awarded a Gold Medal by Jabalpur University for securing FIRST position in Merit. Earlier he passed his Higher Secondary Examination from Government Lajja Shankar Jha –Model Multipurpose Higher Secondary School- Jabalpur, in the year 1959, obtaining 15th position in Merit. Later he completed his Master of Technology degree from Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi in the year 1973. He was awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree by I.I.T., New Delhi in the year 1986, in the area of “System Management”. His Ph.D. work was related with Policy Planning of Delhi’s Urban Passenger Transportation System. A number of suggestions given by him have been implemented in Delhi. As recognition of his work in Transportation Policy Planning, the Institution of Engineers, Kolkata, awarded him a Certificate and a Gold Medal.

       He started his career as a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Government Engineering College, Jabalpur from 18th July 1966. Later he was promoted as Reader and then selected as Professor in 1993. In October 2000, he was elevated as Additional Director, Technical Education Government of Madhya Pradesh. In the same year he was appointed as Principal of Government Engineering College, Ujjain. Due to division of the State, he was allotted the newly formed State of Chattisgarh, and was posted as Principal of Government Engineering College, Bilaspur, where he remained from November 2002 to July 2004, before taking voluntary retirement from Government service. He joined Takshshila Institute of Engineering and Technology, as its founder Principal in August 2004. After two years he was elevated as Director, of the same Institute, and was elevated as Group Director in July 2008. Presently he is working as Advisor in Takshshila Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jabalpur.

Govt. Model Higher Secondary School, Jabalpur, has honoured him as an outstanding Modellian in their 8th Pratibha Abhinandan Samaroh held on 12th February 2006. Recently he got Best Principal Award given by International Institute of Education & Management New Delhi. He was also awarded Rashtriya Vidya Gold Medal by Indian Solidarity Council, New Delhi.

       He has been actively associated with Professional Societies of the National level. He was Secretary, System Dynamics Society of India, Chairman of the Institution Of Engineers, (India), Jabalpur, Chairman of Production Engineering Division of the Institution of Engineers, (India), Kolkata. He is a life Member/Fellow of The Indian Society for Technical Education, System Dynamics Society of India, and the Institution of Engineers (India). He has also been Chairman of Counselling Committees for PET, MBA, MCA, and PPT admission in the States of  Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh.

     His academic life is also full of achievements and awards. He has about 60 research publications to his credit. His papers have been published in National as well as International journals. A number of books published by reputed publishers, have chapters contributed by him.

    Besides his Academic and Administrative activities, he is a keen photographer and sportsman, and has won several prizes and awards. He also has interest in cultural activities, and has been chapter coordinator of SPIC MACAY- Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Among Youth.