Dr. Abhishek Saxena

Name: Dr. Abhishek Saxena
Qualification: Ph.D (Biotechnology)
Designation: Dbt-Ra
Department: Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Noida
College Address: Amity Road, Sec 125, Noida, Gb Nagar Up-201301
Publication title: Elsevier Publication
Paper title: Inductively coupled plasma nanosilica based growth method for enhanced
biomass production in marine diatom algae
Journal Name: Bioresource Technology,
Volume: 314 (2020) 123747
Month of publication: June
Year: 2020
Page No.: 1-7
ISSN: 960-8524Id 1788

About Dr. Abhishek Saxena

Dr. Abhishek Saxena is the recipient of the prestigious DBT Post Doctoral Research Associate at Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Noida. He has also obtained a master's degree in Pharmaceutical Marketing. He has over 7.5 years of research and technical experience in Nano-Biotechnology and Algal Biotechnology streams. His research focuses on a diverse background of nano-bio technologies like nanoparticles, electrochemical biosensor, bioremediation, antimicrobial resistance, investigating new drugs, neurodegenerative disease detection, and drug delivery. At his current job as an Algal biotechnologist, He has isolated and identified several freshwaters and marine diatoms species based on Light Microscope and SEM analysis and established a repository of diatom cultures for national heritage. He has also identified several bioactive compounds from diatoms biomass for nutraceuticals food, drug, and cosmetic products. He made an intriguing discovery that nano-silica can trigger diatom growth on par with normal silica; this observation was further tested successfully in field experiments to trigger diatom growth in eutrophic water bodies to remove excess nutrients and improve water quality. He has a good knowledge of bio-organic chemistry and sophisticated hands-on skills and has a great enthusiasm in carrying out independent research. He has published several research papers in high impact journals, wrote book chapters, and attended international and national conferences to present his work on a big platform. He has proved his research acumen with novel ideas and up to date knowledge in his research area. The major aim lies in exploring innovative technologies in nanoscale manipulation and design at a molecular scale which has the potential for societal impact in areas such as energy, health care, and the environment.