Prof. (Dr.) Abdul Malik

Name: Prof. (Dr.) Abdul Malik
Designation: Principal
College Address: Glocal College of Unani Medical Science and Research Centre,
Glocal University, Delhi Yamnotri Marg, Highway 57, Mirzapur Pole Road Saharanpur 247121, Uttar Pradesh, India

About Prof. (Dr.) Abdul Malik

Abdul Malik, presently working as Principal/Medical Superintendent and Head department of Anatomy at Glocal University Saharanpur (Glocal College of Unani Medical Science and research Centre) U.P. India has 18 years teaching experience. Five research papers have been published in International Journals and four papers in National Conference and Seminars. He is the author of four books and translated two books from Hindi to Urdu. He presented ten papers in National and International conferences. He had been Editor in chief of Annual Magazine “Shame-e-Tib 2006.” He had been Co-opted Member, Unani Faculty and Member, Nursing Committee of Unani Medicine, Dr. S. R. Rajasthan Ayurved University Jodhpur. He had been co-guide for M.D. thesis “Conceptual Study of Quwwat-e-Tanasuliya in Unani and Modern aspect”. Prof. (Dr.) Abdul Malik had worked on various administrative posts viz. Principal, Vice-Principal, Head of Department, Chairman, Board of Studies, Senior Superintendent Examination, Deputy Proctor, Chairman, Admission Committee and Medical Superintendent.