
Name: Prof. V.Giridhar
Qualification: Ph.D
Designation : Professor
Department : Civil Engineering
Institute Name : Ksrm College Of Engineering
College Address : Tadigatla Village
Awardtitle:Best Teacher Award
Experience: 24
About V.Giridhar
- Assessment of strength of the concrete by destructive and Non destructive methods( Digital Image Processing)
- Recycling of waste aggregates like Ceramic waste, Paper pulp, Barites waste.
- Usage of chemical and mineral admixtures in concrete making and studied strength and durability behavior of concrete.
- SIFCON( Slurry Infiltrated Fibrous Concrete)
- Design of Multistoried structures with STRAAD PRO
- Addition of Natural and Artificial Fibers in concrete making and study the performance of concrete.
- Addition of artificial and natural fibers into the soil and study its behavior
I am completed UG at KSRM College of Engineering- Kadapa affiliated to SV University in 1990, PG at JNTU College of Engineering –Anantapur from JNTUH-Hyd in 2005, Ph.D from JNTUA-Anathapuramu in 2015 Entitled on “ Experimental Studies on Strength and Durability Characteristics on Ceramic Waste Aggregate Concrete” . Published a book by the international publisher entitled on “Properties and Management of Ceramic Waste in India” and published 20 International journals. Presented a paper in 6 International conferences and attended 5 workshops organized by nationally renowned institutions. Guided 10 PG Projects and 27 UG Projets. Areas of interests on research and for projects are Innovative concrete materials, Nondestructive methods for evaluating the strength of concrete, rehabilitation and retrofitting. I received best teacher award by KSRMCE-Kadapa. I am acted as a faculty in charge for new construction and maintenance and supervised 25 crores of projects at Kandula Group of Institutions-Kadapa. Now I am member of BOS and Academic council and coordinator of Disciplinary committee. I am acting as reviewer of 3 international journals.