Dr. Dibya Prakash Rai

Name: Dr. Dibya Prakash Rai
Qualification: Ph.D
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department: Physics
institute name : Pachhunga University College, Aizawl, Mizoram 796001, India
College address : Department of Physics
Pachhunga University College,
Aizawl, Mizoram 796001,
Award for : Research Excellence Award
Publication title: Journal
Paper Title : Electronic, elastic and X-ray spectroscopic properties of direct and inverse full Heusler compounds Co2FeAl and Fe2CoAl, promising materials for spintronic applications: a DFT+U approach
Journal Name : RSC Journal of Material Chemistry
Volume : 6
Issue No. : 38
Month of publication : August
Year : 2018
Page no. : 10341-10349
ISSN : 2050-7534
About Dr. Dibya Prakash Rai
I am Dr. Dibya Prakash Rai, an assistant professor in Physics from Pachhunga University
College Aizawl, Northeast India. I am serving here as a permanent faculty since last five years and
actively involved in both teaching and research. I was born and raised up in a small village (Sivitar
T.E.) in a subdivision of beautiful Himalayan town embedded with greenish tea gardens and pine
forests called Kurseong (Land of white Orchids). After completion of my under graduation degree in
BSc Physics from St. Joseph’s college Darjeeling, I moved to Aizawl Mizoram for further studies in
- I did my MSc., in Physics from Mizoram University Aizawl with first class first. I was
awarded DST-INSPIRE fellowship for continuing the Ph.D degree. I joined Ph.D in 2009 under a
very renowned condensed matter physicist of the university Prof. R. K. Thapa. The title of my Ph.D
thesis was “Study of electronic and magnetic properties of half metallic transition metal based
Heusler compounds”. During my Ph.D, I have studied the electronic and magnetic properties of
transition metal based Heusler compounds by using the density functional theory (DFT). A DFT relies
upon the Kohn-Sham (KS) equation with inclusion of exchange-correlation potential to improve the
accuracy. Employing the most commonly used exchange-correlation functional are generalized
gradient approximation (GGA-PBE, Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof), local (spin) density
approximation LDA/LSDA, modified Becke Johnson (mBJ) potential, etc. Magnetic properties are
natural outputs of the calculations and itinerant magnetism can be discussed in a more qualitatively.
The more relevant method LSDA+U (Coulomb repulsion) formalism is used to treat the strongly
correlated electrons for better accuracy of the ground state properties. I have attended numerous
workshops/conferences/seminars and presented papers as well. I have published my Ph.D work in
various peer reviewed journals with reputed publishers like Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, RSC
etc. and finally completed the Ph.D degree in 2013. After that I joined Computational Science
Research Center (CSRC), Beijing China for 1 year 6 months as a post doctorate fellow (PDF) under
Prof. San Huang Ke. I got the permanent post of assistant professor in Pachhunga university college a
constituent of Mizoram University on 16 th December 2014. Since, then I am highly dedicated and
committed to my profession (teaching and research). I am in the verge of establishing a research lab to
promote R&D in this part of the country. My research interest is Transition Metal based strongly
correlated materials (Heusler compounds, half metals). Currently, I am a life member of various
scientific organisations like Physics Academy of North East India (PANE), Indian Physical Society,
Indian Physics Association, Material Research Society of India, Optical Society of India, Indian
Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), etc. In my professional career as a researcher I am associated
with many journals as a referee/reviewer of Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, RSC, ACS, Nature-
Springer etc. I also hold a position of associate editor of our institute journal “Senhri: a
multidisciplinary Journal” of Pachhunga University College. I have bagged 3 major projects from
UGC and DST in which one is completed (UGC Start-up Grant). The two major projects are funded
by DST (India) & RFBR (Russia) Joint project and DST-SERB Govt. of India. Despite of that I have
published a patent in collaboration with the scientists from Christ University Banglore “Novel Booster
Control System for fully Automative Driverless Vehicle” Application No:201941039882, Publication
Date:18/10/2019. For the research purposes I have visited countries like China, Russia, Nepal,
Malaysia and Vietnam. I have developed many research collaborations with various distinguished
scientists from India and abroad. I have published more than 100 papers in peer reviewed journals.
My details are found in the link below: